Tiny Village Wiki
This page is for historical purposes only. It records the original form for the Laws of DinoFusion. These old laws have been replaced by the newer Super DinoFusion. Do not use this page to plan your fusions - as these laws have been overturned!

This page contains observations on how the Original Dino Fusion worked, based on the Fusion Reports and made predictions about which dinos you would get using this ancient Magic. This page has been preserved for its historical interest, as well as a model showing how the contributions from many Wikiacons can lead to important discoveries.  

The Ancient Theory of Dino Fusion Biome Genetics[]

Goals ozzie bemused@2x

This original Dino Fusion theory comes from two of Professor OneStone's most humble assistants, Eppidiah and RobinCarr. Although it has since been overturned and replaced by the newer Super DinoFusion, this page has been preserved - because the Dino Gods could change their minds at any time! It is possible a third fusion mechanism may one day appear, and these records of the older methods will be an invaluable tool to help figure out what might change. 

This ancient theory helped predict what dino you would get when you fused two dinos - before Super DinoFusion. In the Dino Fusion process for both the old and new laws, each dino in the two fusion slots passes on its unique genetic marker, which is simply the Biome. The Biome marker or gene is summarized in the tables below for every dino and is the most important factor to consider when trying to figure out which dinos to fuse.

Dino Fusion is governed by the following two Laws of Dino Fusion, plus a small selection of general principles.

The First Law of Dino Fusion[]

Whenever two dinos of the same Biome are fused, the resulting dinos must come from only one Biome. The Biome is specified by the four equations below and completely determines the diagonal blocks in each fusion table.

Four Empirical Equations
Tundra + Tundra = Air
Forest + Forest = Air
Desert + Desert = Air
Air + Air = Tundra

These 4 equations are not considered laws, but may change at any time in the future at the whim of the Fusion Gods. However, we believe they are presently obeyed by all fusions in all other fusion tables. Of the hundreds of reported fusion recipes, only a very small number of reports appear exceptional. We believe they are all the result of entry errors such as putting the dino in an adjacent cell by mistake. It is remarkable that these 4 equations so clearly seen in the Tier 0 tables, in fact hold for the other 3 fusable tiers.

The Second Law of Dino Fusion[]

Whenever two dinos from different Biomes, say Biome1 and Biome2 are fused, all the resulting dino(s) must, come from either Biome1 or Biome2.

Multiple Biome Equation
Biome 1 Biome 2 = Biome 1 OR Biome 2

The Universal Fusion Table[]

From the above two laws, when combined will produce the Universal Fusion Table which applies to all tiers and both governs and constrains every fusion you do.

Slots Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x or Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
Icon trait contextMenu air@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x or Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x or Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x

Warning Note : The Universal Fusion Table is entirely symmetric and does not depend on the level of the dinos you are fusing. The first two fusion laws do not depend on which dino goes in which slot.

Dinos and Biome Markers[]

Below is the table of Dinos group by their Biome Markers.

Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x

Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x

Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x

Icon trait contextMenu air@2x

Dinos Tier 0 Mammoth Stegosaurus Ankylosaurus Parasaurolophus
Dinos Tier 1 Andrewsarchus
Lucky Mammoth

Love Stegosaurus

Dinos Tier 2 Woolly Rhino

Giant Turtle

Dinos Tier 3 Sabretooth Tiger
Giant Sloth
Pachycephalosaurus Minmi


You have to combine this table with Universal Fusion Table to get the detail of each Tier Fusion Table.

Fusion Cycles and Dino Activation[]

In contrast to these fixed laws there is the magical and mysterious process known as Dino Activation. The Dino Fusion process comes in cycles or intervals. At the beginning of each new cycle, each dino is marked as Active or Inactive. During this cycle you can only obtain Active dinos. You cannot obtain an Inactive dino. New Fusion cycles are often, but not always, started when a new dino is introduced.

Which dinos are Active and Inactive can only be found emperically, say by constantly updating the Fusion Reports. At the beginning of each new cycle, the Fusion Gods must reset or reinitialize the variable which determines the "Active duty status" of each dino. Thus, a primary task for Fusion Table Guardians in the near future will be to determine empirically, then publish, a list maintaining the Active or Inactive status of each dino.

The following summarises the Active Dinos and Inactive Dinos.

Fuse-able Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Tundra Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Forest Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x Desert Icon trait contextMenu air@2x Air
Ribbon tier1@2x Andrewsarchus toddler@2x Stpatricksmammoth toddler@2x Penguin toddler@2x Protoceretops toddler@2x Brontosaurus toddler@2x Lovestego toddler@2x Mesohippus toddler@2x Dimetrondon toddler@2x Spinosaurus toddler@2x Brontornis toddler@2x Pteradactyl toddler@2x
Oviraptor toddler@2x Ghost mesohippus toddler@2x Ghost oviraptor toddler@2x
Ribbon tier2@2x Woolyrhino toddler@2x Reindeerraptor toddler@2x Corythosaurus toddler@2x Triceratops toddler@2x Turtlesaurus toddler@2x Dilophosorus toddler@2x Kentrosaurus toddler@2x Raptor toddler@2x Archaeopteryx toddler@2x Ingridia toddler@2x Ghost ingridia toddler@2x Giantbutterfly toddler@2x
Ghost corythosaurus toddler@2x Ghost Triceratops toddler@2x Ghost turtlesaurus toddler@2x Turkeysaurus toddler@2x Homalocephale toddler@2x Skeleton toddler@2x Yellowarchaeopteryx toddler@2x
Anchiornismartyniuk toddler@2x Blarnybronto toddler@2x
Ribbon tier3@2x Giantsloth toddler@2x Sabertoothtiger toddler@2x Ghost giantsloth toddler@2x Pachycephalosaurus toddler@2x Ghost pachycephalosaurus toddler@2x Corgisaurus toddler@2x Incisivosaurus toddler@2x Minmi toddler@2x Ghost minmi toddler@2x Bambiraptor toddler@2x Nemicolopterus toddler@2x Phoenix toddler@2x Ghost nemicolopterus toddler@2x
Abominablesnowman toddler@2x Snowphoenix toddler@2x Whitesabertooth toddler@2x Unaysaurus toddler@2x Orangepachycephalosaurus toddler@2x Redminmi toddler@2x Kaprosuchus toddler@2x Dragon toddler@2x Shadowdragon toddler@2x Purplebambiraptor toddler@2x
Blacksabertooth toddler@2x Snowleopard toddler@2x Twoheadeddragon toddler@2x

Unfuse Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Tundra Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Forest Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x Desert Icon trait contextMenu air@2x Air
Ribbon tier1@2x
Ribbon tier2@2x
Ribbon tier3@2x

This mysterious feature of Dino Activation that leads to the constant barrage of postings asking essentially the same question, "Does anyone know how to get a Proto?" or "Does anyone know how to get a Spino?"

Although each new Dino Activation reset may appear to be at the whim of the Fusion Gods, it must still follow a few rules. For example, there must always be at least one Active dino for all Biomes except possibly one biome. And there must always be at least one Active dino from the critical Air and Tundra biomes which must appear on the diagonal blocks. Otherwise, some fusion combinations could never work!

Future Observation[]

We have in mind an additional postulate but it must be more closely examined before publishing. This postulate would place a limit on how many dinos per biome can be active at any time. In its strongest form, that limit is one.

Applications of Theory[]


Although these laws seem innocuous, they actually have enormous predictive power. Here are some examples of their application.

Example 1: Predicting a Recipe for the Mesohippus (Forest, Tier 1) once it becomes Active

Since the only Tier 0 Forest Dinos is the Stegosaurus , we can predict that the only recipes that could lead to the fusion of the new Mesohippus must have the form:

Stegosaurus Non-Stegosaurus = Forest Dino or Dino from Biome of Non-Stego

When the Mesohippus becomes Active in a future cycle, this is the only recipe that could give the coveted Mesohippus! Mesohippus of course being found amongst the Forest Dino Outcome.

Filtering of Misreported Fusions[]

Example 2: Eliminating Erroneous or Naughty Fusion Reports

It was recently reported by a mischievious and anonymous wikiacon that the Mesohippus could be obtained from the combination:

Mammoth (Toddler) + Mammoth (Toddler)

= Mesohippus

This erroneous report lead to the untimely and unfortunate demise of countless Mammoths. However, it can quickly be dismissed using only the First Law, since each Mammoth comes form the same Tundra Biome. The only possible double mammoth recipes are:
Mammoth (Toddler) + Mammoth (Toddler) = Air Dino (Pterodactyl or Brontornis)

Tip: Check the Tier 1 table below so you can see how we did that last step!

And since the Brontornis is Inactive in the current Dino Fusion cycle, in fact all such fusions gave Pterodactyl.

This explains the unexpected "Pterodactyl Population Explosion" and "Massive Mammoth Extinction Event".

Other Explanations[]

Example 3: Why so many Bambiraptors from Tier 2 Fusions?

This too, is completely explained by the First Law. Three of the Tier 3 Biomes are populated by only one dino! And the majority of Universal Fusion Table for Tier 2 is dominated by Air Dinos which means Bambiraptor

Icon trait contextMenu air@2x Bambiraptor
Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Pachysaurus
Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x Minmi
Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Sabretooth or Giant Sloth

Tier 0 Fusion Table[]

In the present Dino Fusion cycle, at least 5 or 6 from 10 Dinos of Tier 1 are inactive, including the Protoceratops, Spinosaurus, Love Stegosaurus, Brontornis and Mesohippus. It is possible Andrewsarchus is now Inactive and most of the recent Andrewsarchus reports are actually old results. This means we can fill in the Universal Fusion Table quite simple using:

Step a. Prepare the Tier 0 Dinos and Tier 1 Dinos group by Biome

Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x

Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x

Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x

Icon trait contextMenu air@2x

Dinos Tier 0 Mammoth Stegosaurus Ankylosaurus Parasaurolophus
Dinos Tier 1 Andrewsarchus
Lucky Mammoth
Love Stegosaurus

Step b. Start with the Universal Fusion Table. Along the borders, identify the Tier 0 Dinos being fused.

Tier 0 Fusion Table Before using Dino Activation


Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x


Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x


Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x


Icon trait contextMenu air@2x


Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x
Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x
Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x or Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
Icon trait contextMenu air@2x or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x or Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x or Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x

Step c. Now inside the table, fill in using only Active Tier 1 Dinos.

Which are :

  • Tundra = Lucky Mammoth or Andrewsarchus
  • Forest = Brontosaurus
  • Desert = Dimetrodon
  • Air = Pterodactyl

Tier 0 Fusion Table After using Dino Activation


Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x

Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x

Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x

Icon trait contextMenu air@2x

Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x
Brontosaurus or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Pterodactyl
Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x
Dimetrodon or
Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
Dimetrodon or Brontosaurus Pterodactyl
Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
Pterodactyl or
Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
Pterodactyl or Brontosaurus Pterodactyl or Dimetrodon Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x

There are some Tundra icons (Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x) so you can see the process. All Tundra results must be Lucky Mammoth, with perhaps some old Andrewsarchus results in the mix. If you visit the Fusions Reported page, you can see out of the hundreds of entrees, only a very small number do not follow this pattern.

Wrong Theory or Wrong Data[]

Analysis time, let's look at a few of the exceptions, because if they cannot be explained away, the above theory has errors. We are counting on our team of contributors to give this page a thorough testing! We might be wrong and you will decide!

  • The next exception is for you to decide. There are two Brontosaurus in the Stegosaurus + Stegosaurus block. We believe they are errors, that belong in an another block. The first law predicts ONLY Air dinos here.

All the other exceptions appear minor and may be adjacency errors with the exception of the Ankylosaurus + Ankylosaurus block. That should be all Air dinos. We HOPE the two Brontosaurus and the single Dimetrodon are errors. If not, we need a modification that allows for rare exceptions like this. They are rare compared to the 13 Pterodactyl in this cell. One possibility is a rare exception for Adult + Adult combos, but more data and analysis is needed.

Tier 1 Fusion Table[]

In the present Dino Fusion cycle, it is harder to make conclusions about which dinos are inactive, because there are far fewer data points here. But the Tier 1 table can be generally laid out as follows.

Step a. Prepare the Tier 1 Dinos and Tier 2 Dinos group by Biome

Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x

Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x

Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x

Icon trait contextMenu air@2x

Dinos Tier 1 Andrewsarchus
Lucky Mammoth
Love Stegosaurus
Dinos Tier 2 Woolly Rhino Triceratops

Step b. Start with the Universal Fusion Table. Along the borders, identify the Tier 0 Dinos being fused.

Tier 1 Fusion Table Before using Dino Activation


Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
Lucky Mammoth

Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x
Love Stegosaurus

Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x

Icon trait contextMenu air@2x

Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
Lucky Mammoth

Icon trait contextMenu air@2x

Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x
Love Stegosaurus

Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x

Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x

Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x or Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x

Icon trait contextMenu air@2x

Icon trait contextMenu air@2x or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x or Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x Icon trait contextMenu air@2x or Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x

Step c. Now inside the table, fill in using only Active Tier 2 Dinos. We are NOT certain which ones are active. However, the only Tundra Tier 2 is the Woolly Rhino so:

Which are :

  • Tundra = Woolly Rhino
  • Forest = Triceratops or Corythosaurus
  • Desert = Kentrosaurus or Raptor or Homalocephale
  • Air = Archaeopteryx or Ingridia

You can now fill in the Tier 2 Fusion Table using those information. Remember if a dino is INACTIVE, it is inactive in all cells duing any one Dino Fusion cycle.

Testable Prediction 1

Any one care to fuse two ponies? We predict you will get an Active Tier 2 Air dino!

Mesohippus + Mesohippus = Air Dino (Archaeopteryx or Ingridia)

Testable Prediction 2

Any one care to fuse just one pony with another Forest dino?

Mesohippus + Protoceratops = Air Dino (Archaeopteryx or Ingridia)
Mesohippus + Brontosaurus = Air Dino (Archaeopteryx or Ingridia)
Mesohippus + Love Stegosaurus = Air Dino (Archaeopteryx or Ingridia)

OK, that's lots of testable predictions and the process has been sufficiently illustrated for you to make many more fusion conjectures for recipes that no one has even tried yet!

Tier 2 Fusion Table[]

Below is the Tier 2 Fusion Table.

Tier 2 Fusion Table Before using Dino Activation

Slots Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
Woolly Rhino
Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x
Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x
Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
Woolly Rhino

Icon trait contextMenu forest@2x


or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
Icon trait contextMenu desert@2x
or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
or Pachycephalosaurus
Icon trait contextMenu air@2x
or Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x
or Pachycephalosaurus
or Minmi
Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x

There are Tundra icons (Icon trait contextMenu tundra@2x) which can be substitute with Sabretooth Tiger or Giant Sloth. The Sabretooth Tiger may be Inactive in the present cycle. If it is, then the Tundra Icons can be replace with Giant Sloth only.

Remember, the Dino Fusion laws do not say that all these dinos will appear. They simply say that these are the only possibilities! Which one actually do appear will depend on the Dino Activation process.


  1. The first law has grown out of the following observation by Eppidiah: If both dinos are the same, you sometimes have a "surefire" recipe. The first law generalizes the (same dino) part to same Biome. And a same-dino recipe will be surefire whenever, the resulting biome (Air or Tundra) has only one Active dino! For example, Woolly Rhino + Woolly Rhino is a surefire Bambiraptor recipe according to the Two Laws of Dino Fusion.
  2. The second law has grown out of the following observation, also by Eppidiah: If both dinos are different, you often get more than one result.
  3. On Version 1.14, when on the Fusion window, you can see the probability result of the higher Tier Dino when selecting two dinos.